Wednesday, September 7, 2011

before i go to bed

so thankful for the Word tonight. 

so thankful that as i read more of the Scriptures God seems to be erasing purifying my thoughts.
many moments i have been left feeling very discouraged, 
thinking i am doing everything wrong. 
BUT He is wanting to change me through His Word and not my failed attempts at pleasing Him.

so thankful that the Word calls me out of my misconceptions & comforts me.
God doesn't just leave me to figure this out on my own. 
{half of the time i act like He did}
for "who can discern their own thoughts?" 

He gives us His Word because He cares so much. 

SO many times i take it for granted & hardly consider it precious. 
But i love the way David speaks about the Word God has given us. 

"The precepts of the Lord are right,
giving joy to the heart,
the commands of the Lord are radiant
 giving light to the eyes." 

i take for granted the help that this Word can bring & how it constantly promises to restore our souls & renew our thoughts to be pure. i know these things might be so obvious & not at all a huge discovery, but like i said, God has been breaking everything inside of me down to renew my thinking and i'm just overwhelmed with gladness for this help. 
